Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Long Time, No Brew (Whoop Moffit Vienna Lager - Tasting)

It's been quite some time since my last post on here. Between completing my Master's, taking an awesome road trip to Vermont, hiking a portion of the Long Trail, wandering around Michigan, and preparing for my Colorado Trail hike, I haven't had much time to keep track of the blog or do any brewing. Happily, this is about to change. So, without further ado, here is a brief review of the Whoop Moffit Vienna Lager!

A significant variation on a German Lager from The Complete Joy of Homebrewing
O.G.: Unknown - whoops!
F.G.: 1.18

Ramius Transporting the Brew
Since I wasn't in blog-writing-mode when this beer was being tasted, I didn't (read: forgot) take any photos of the beer and only have the description of the beer in my brewing notebook. That said, I have fond memories of the brew and got some encouraging feedback about it whenever I passed it around. Those who enjoy winter beers were most pleased - they likened it to more of a porter than a lager.

The beer was medium bodied, with a rich brown coloration similar to molasses. The aroma reflected the large amount of Carafa malt that went into it - recall that I put in 0.75 pounds rather than a single cup. Additionally, the Tettnanger hops provided a mild, floral, and somewhat spicy fragrance. The flavor profile was characterized by a toasted maltiness bordering on a roasted flavor. The hops provided a light, flowery taste with a hint of spice.

This was a pleasant brew, but I'm not sure that I'll make it again any time soon. The issues with it are simple: keeping it cool and at a constant temperature. That said, who knows? Especially since it was so popular with varied groups of people.

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