Monday, October 15, 2012

Palilalia India Pale Ale - Tasting

A variation of an India Pale Ale from The Complete Joy of Homebrewing
O.G.: Unknown - whoops!
F.G.: Unknown - whoops!

The brew has a rich, burnt russet color with a frothy almond head and malty aroma that contains a hint of caramel. The flavor profile starts out with a rich roasted maltiness that tapers to a hint of bitterness (from the roasted barley) and finishes with a hint of smokiness left over from the oak used in secondary. With a medium mouthfeel, this gentle brew has proved to be moderately sessionable.

Looking at this post's title (and especially if you checked back to the ingredients), I'd wager that the thought 'he didn't mention hoppiness in the description' has popped into your mind. It's true that this brew was supposed to be an IPA, but it turned out tasting much more like a brown ale - this is most likely due to the use of roasted malt barley and complications with hop additions. Part of the reason for multiple additions of hops throughout the boil (i.e., boiling hops, finishing hops, aroma hops) is to extract the hops' oils at the appropriate times so they don't end up cooking off completely. I think this recipe would have benefited from additional hop additions, similar to the process the Palace Bitter underwent. In any case, this is an enjoyable brew that has been compared to Ellie's Brown Ale.

I've decided to name this brew 'Single Peak Brown Ale' since it was first tasted at 14,060 ft on Mount Bierstadt's summit (click here for photos and a trail report). I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate the end of my homebrewing hiatus than cracking this one open somewhere special.

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